Our Videos

Watch experts walk you through tips on raising kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Hear LEARN’s latest updates and news.
Our videos share practical tips and strategies you can try at home and in the community to help your child with ASD. Also, find a behind-the-scenes look at working in the ABA field, along with news and updates from LEARN’s dynamic and passionate team.

Behavior Analyst Katherine Johnson defines the terms Applied, Behavior, and Analysis in ABA.
Defining Applied, Behavior, and Analysis (ABA)
Our clients are cooking up a storm and reminding us that life is what you ‘bake’ it. 😉 We love their positive attitudes and, even more, their individuality! Comment below if you share any of these special interests with our kiddos! If you haven’t seen them yet, this is one of a four-part series! Be sure to check out the other highlights of what makes our kiddo’s special.
Celebrating Our Clients: Part 4
With imagination, a bath becomes a lake and a boy becomes a fish! 🐠 Every child in our care has a unique interest(s) and personality. We’re here to help empower our clients to flourish in their differences because every child is valuable and special. That’s why we’re highlighting our kiddo’s and their interests with this four-part series!
Celebrating Our Clients: Part 3
BCBA Katherine Johnson helps break down what “Self-Determination” is in relation to the ethics and codes of medical practice.
What is Self-Determination?
Why paint with oils when you can paint with Jell-O! Our kiddos are so creative, and that’s just one of the many reasons why we’re celebrating their uniqueness in this four-part series!
Celebrating our Clients: Day 2
From toy cars to cartoons and paint, our kiddos have a vast array of interests and hobbies that make them unique. We want to let their light shine and celebrate some of the things that bring them joy with this four-part series.
Celebrating Our Clients: Part 1